Our “TruMicrobe Aerobic Compost” product is amazing.
A successful composter understands that the process of composting is both an art and a science. Creating the right balance between oxygen, water, and temperature is a key factor. The waste/carbon ration is also critical. The waste could be dead animals, manure, food waste, etc. The carbon can come from several sources, including green waste, straw, wood chips etc. Some sources of waste can be so dense, like chicken or mink manure, that it is necessary to have a higher percentage of carbon to create the level of porosity necessary for the microbes to have enough oxygen to thrive.
The benefits derived from using “TruMicrobe Aerobic Compost” take place because we create an aerobic rather than an anaerobic environment for the composting process.
In an anaerobic environment, composting the feedstock is basically letting it rot. The main purpose in turning the piles is to add oxygen, which decreases the temperature of the feedstock and prevents it from getting too hot and combusting.
In an aerobic environment you are working with millions of living aerobic microbes. These microbes need water, oxygen, and food to thrive. They are remarkably similar to animals and people in this way; if they do not get enough oxygen, they die and start to decay, causing odor. The piles of feedstock are turned to give the microbes the oxygen they need rather than to stop combustion. If the microbes do not get the necessary amount of water, they go dormant until water is available again. Their food is the feedstock that they can turn into a wonderful, sweet smelling, more nutritious compost. When I have a problem with a compost pile, the first things I check are temperature, moisture percentage, and oxygen levels.
The “TruMicrobe Aerobic Compost” process is so efficient that it typically cuts weeks off the usual composting time and requires fewer turns, resulting in and increased savings on operation costs. An additional benefit is that our product only needs to be applied once at the beginning of the composting process. Other benefits include a higher nutrient value in the end product, especially usable nitrogen levels. This is because the ammonia and other gases that rise from the non-composted feedstock are food to the microbes. The microbes exodigest the odorous gases that are escaping and rising into the atmosphere and transform them into usable nitrogen. Flies are not attracted to the compost piles when the gases have been removed and the odor is significantly decreased or eliminated. Our product has also been proven to mitigate pathogens like E. coli, Salmonella, and avian flu.